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5/13 Logandowns Drive, Meadowbrook,QLD 4131(Near Logan Hospital), Building A, 2 Factory Street, Granville, NSW 2142 (Opposite to clyde station)

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Beekeeping Gear

Ceracell Beehive Top Feeder 10 Frames with Un — Assembled wooden housing

This Top Feeder complete kit you get and assembled wooden rim, set of corner caps and a centre chimney cap.

Wooden Box supplied as assembled .

Top feeders are great for feeding raw or dry white sugar in the early and mid-winter.  Feeding in this way, don't use a "chimney cap" and let the bees range across the feeder.  Raw sugar is considered better, as it has a bit of moisture in it already and the bees can work it and take it up.  If using dry white sugar you may want to add a small damp sponge to the top feeder to give the bees some moisture to work the sugar.

In the late winter/early spring you may want to feed a heavy syrup (2 kg of white sugar to 1 Litre of water, heated until fully dissolved). This shouldn't stimulate the queen to lay and with it being in a top feeder she shouldn't sense too much the sugar coming in.  When feeding in this way, use a chimney cap to restrict the bees and prevent them from getting out in the bulk of the liquid.