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Beekeeping Gear

Apistan Packet 10 x Strips

Apistan Packet 10 x Strips

Protect your bee colonies with Apistan® Packet 10 x Strips, a trusted solution for managing varroa mites. Since the 1980s, Apistan has set the standard in mite treatment, now registered in over 40 countries.


  • Quantity: 10 strips per packet
  • Application: Insert two strips in the brood box
  • Treatment Duration: 6 weeks
  • Country Registration: Over 40 countries
  • Usage Note: Use as directed to prevent resistance


Effective Mite Control

  • Proven Solution: Reliable defense against varroa mites, maintaining hive health.

Simple Application

  • Ease of Use: Insert two strips in the brood box for six weeks at season's end.

Established Benchmark

  • Trusted Treatment: Leading choice for mite control since the 1980s.

Resistance Awareness

  • Caution Advised: Misuse can lead to resistant mite strains. Follow directions for best results.

Ensure the health of your colonies with Apistan® Packet 10 x Strips. Easy to use and highly effective, it’s your go-to solution for varroa mite control. Order now and protect your hive!